Margaret Cho – Cho Dependent

4 Stars


Margaret Cho may be an unfamiliar name in this country and so a few biographical details may be useful. She is in her early 40’s, a second generation American of Korean parentage. She is nationally known in America from her stand up tours and TV appearances.

If you are expecting gentle, oriental humour, you will be in for a big surprise. Her content is outrageous, funny and very, very adult. She describes herself as a ‘fag hag’ and bi-sexual.

Sexual liaisons form the basis of what could be described as orifice based humour as she fearlessly explores the possibilities of what goes in and what comes out. There is little left to the imagination. Her liberal approach to humour and her views on gay rights do not win her many friends from the American far right. She finds Sarah Palin a scary figure.

She has been doing stand-up from her mid-teens and this shows in her assured stage presence and precise timing. She is very much a big arena act. Though her material is highly intimate, she does not interact individually with members of the audience. Sitting at the front is quite safe.

Reviewed by Ben

Assembly George Square – Dans Palais: 3

3 to 29 August 2011 (not 10, 17)

21.00 – 22.00

Fringe Programme Page Number: 113