Alexis Dubus: A R*ddy Brief History of Swearing

4 stars

Alexis Dubus has an easy and relaxed manner as he explores the world of swearing, past and present. His premise is that swearing is an essential part of the human condition.

He has done the background research – biological, historical, sociological etc. This might appear to take the fun out of our favourite swear words but his juicy observations and pithy one liners sustain the humour throughout.

The educational approach does have its advantages. You will learn the ultimate Bosnian put down and impress with knowledge of Australian sign language. Also, as f**k and c**t become more acceptable, he illustrates how the art of the put down is evolving with a hilarious reference to the attitudes of the American bible belt.

As part of the £5 Fringe, Alexis Dubus is superb value. Therefore, it comes as no surprise he was playing to a packed house.

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