James Campbell’s Comedy 4 Kids


This was a guy who knew how to work the kids, there were children laughing so hard that they were struggling to sit up straight! While some of the jokes were a bit close to the acceptable for the grown ups, the kids absolutely lapped them up, and that is after all why we were there. This was proper ‘grown up’ stand up for the kids and they seemed to love every minute of it. James involved as many of the children into his act as possible resulting in much excitement and an eagerness to be spoken to once again!

The show moved with the audience and I got the impression that James needed to change tack a couple of times on account of the audience response, but he did this seamlessly and the audience danced along with him from joke to joke. A thoroughly enjoyable afternoon.

Assembly George Square, George Square, EH8 9LH

August 9-12 14.00pm £7.50

Reviewed by Kath.

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