Patrick Monahan : I Walked, I Danced, Iran


4 Star

Patick Monahan has been a Fringe Institution for a number of years and has a reputation for not only being a very friendly comedian but one that never resorts to using strong language during his always funny set.

I have been attending his shows for a number of years now, but he has such a following of regulars that there are always longer serving devotees at each performance I’ve witnessed.

He is very audience interactive, always talking to them getting some on stage with him, always having the rest of us in peels of laughter. How does he do it? A natural born comic.

Monahan was born in Teeside, partly Irish, partly Iranian and growing up in the 80’s when things were less stable in these areas made it an interesting period for this young lad. He explains some of the differences in the diverse cultures within his family, always drawing humour from situations.

Other subjects touch on travels and locations, going to the audience again for examples, being chased by geese and how to deal and finishes off with breaking Iranian law assisted by the audience once more.

Things are never placid in a Monaghan gig, some sort of lunacy is never very far away, but it is Fun with a capital F on every occasion. No wonder he is so popular.


Reviewed by Geoff

Gilded Balloon Wine Bar V 14

4 to 30 August

21-00 to 22-00

Fringe Brochure P 107

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